A versatile LLM chat interface built with Next.js that leverages OpenRouter to communicate with various large language models. Features a modern UI, real-time streaming responses, and support for multiple AI models.
Workflow Summarization Engine
A robust document processing and summarization pipeline library for medical and legal document analysis, featuring AI integration, parallel processing, and extensive workflow management capabilities.
Document Generation Library
A versatile Python library for generating professional PDF and DOCX reports from various data sources. Features template-based generation, HTML rendering capabilities, Markdown support, and flexible JSON data integration for dynamic document creation.
Discuss - Modern Discussion Forum
A full-stack discussion forum platform built with Next.js 14, featuring real-time interactions, GitHub OAuth authentication, and nested comment threading. Implements modern web development practices with server components and optimistic UI updates.
AstroJS Business Website
A modern, performance-focused website built with Astro.js, featuring comprehensive SEO optimization, static site generation, and MDX content management. Implements best practices for asset optimization and maintains exceptional lighthouse scores.
Code Snippet Manager
A full-stack Next.js 14 application for managing code snippets, featuring Monaco Editor integration, server-side rendering, and real-time editing capabilities. Implements server actions, optimistic updates, and type-safe database operations.
Precision Health Calculator
A comprehensive health metrics calculator built with React, providing advanced body composition analysis and weight management projections. Features dual unit system support, real-time calculations, and scientific formula implementations for BMI, body fat percentage, and TDEE.